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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Knot Tying- Part 3

Directional Figure-Eight

The directional figure-eight knot forms a single, fixed loop in the middle of the rope that lays back along the standing part of the rope. It is a middle rope knot.
a. Tying the Knot.
STEP 1. Face the far side anchor so that when the knot is tied, it lays inward.
STEP 2. Lay the rope from the far side anchor over the left palm. Make one wrap around the palm.
STEP 3. With the wrap thus formed, tie a figure-eight knot around the standing part that leads to the far side anchor.
STEP 4. When dressing the knot down, the tail and the bight must be together.
Double Fisherman's Knot

The double fisherman’s knot (also called double English or grapevine) is used to tie two ropes of the same or approximately the same diameter. It is a joining knot.
a. Tying the Knot.
STEP 1. With the working end of one rope, tie two wraps around the standing part of another rope.
STEP 2. Insert the working end (STEP 1) back through the two wraps and draw it tight.
STEP 3. With the working end of the other rope, which contains the standing part (STEPS 1 and 2), tie two wraps around the standing part of the other rope (the working end in STEP 1). Insert the working end back through the two wraps and draw tight.
STEP 4. Pull on the opposing ends to bring the two knots together.


The figure-eight bend is used to join the ends of two ropes of equal or unequal diameter within 5-mm difference.
a. Tying the Knot.
STEP 1. Grasp the top of a 2-foot bight.
STEP 2. With the other hand, grasp the running end (short end) and make a 360-degree turn around the standing end.
STEP 3. Place the running end through the loop just formed creating an in-line figure eight.
STEP 4. Route the running end of the other ripe back through the figure eight starting from the original rope’s running end. Trace the original knot to the standing end.
STEP 5. Remove all unnecessary twists and crossovers. Dress the knot down.

Stay Prepared! Stay Alive!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Knot Tying- Part 2


The bowline-on-a-bight is used to form two fixed loops in the middle of a rope. It is a middle rope knot.

a. Tying the Knot.

STEP 1. Form a bight in the rope about twice as long as the finished loops will be.
STEP 2. Tie an overhand knot on a bight.
STEP 3. Hold the overhand knot in the left hand so that the bight is running down and outward.
STEP 4. Grasp the bight with the right hand; fold it back over the overhand knot so that the overhand knot goes through the bight.
STEP 5. From the end (apex) of the bight, follow the bight back to where it forms the cross in the overhand knot. Grasp the two ropes that run down and outward and pull up, forming two loops.
STEP 6. Pull the two ropes out of the overhand knot and dress the knot down.
STEP 7. A final dress is required: grasp the ends of the two fixed loops and pull, spreading them apart to ensure the loops do not slip.



The bowline is used to tie the end of a rope around an anchor. It may also be used to tie a single fixed loop in the end of a rope. It is an anchor knot.

a. Tying the Knot.

STEP 1. Bring the working end of the rope around the anchor, from right to left (as the climber faces the anchor).
STEP 2. Form an overhand loop in the standing part of the rope (on the climber’s right) toward the anchor.
STEP 3. Reach through the loop and pull up a bight.
STEP 4. Place the working end of the rope (on the climber’s left) through the bight, and bring it back onto itself. Now dress the knot down.
STEP 5. Form an overhand knot with the tail from the bight.



This knot is used to tie the end of a rope to an anchor, and it must have constant tension. It is an anchor knot.

a. Tying the Knot.

STEP 1. Route the rope around the anchor from right to left and wrap down (must have two wraps in the rear of the anchor, and one in the front). Run the loop around the object to provide 360-degree contact, distributing the load over the anchor.
STEP 2. Bring the working end of the rope left to right and over the standing part, forming a half hitch (first half hitch).
STEP 3. Repeat STEP 2 (last half hitch has a 4 inch pigtail).
STEP 4. Dress the knot down.

Stay Prepared! Stay Alive!


Knot Tying- Part 1

Clove Hitch

The clove hitch is an anchor knot that can be used in the middle of the rope as well as at the end. The knot must have constant tension on it once tied to prevent slipping. It can be used as either an anchor or middle of the rope knot, depending on how it is tied.

a. Tying the Knot.

(1) Middle of the Rope.

STEP 1. Hold rope in both hands, palms down with hands together. Slide the left hand to the left from 20 to 25 centimeters.
STEP 2. Form a loop away from and back toward the right.
STEP 3. Slide the right hand from 20 to 25 centimeters to the right. Form a loop inward and back to the left hand.
STEP 4. Place the left loop on top of the right loop. Place both loops over the anchor and pull both ends of the rope in opposite directions. The knot is tied.

(2) End of the Rope.

Note: For instructional purposes, assume that the anchor is horizontal.

STEP 1. Place 76 centimeters of rope over the top of the anchor. Hold the standing end in the left hand. With the right hand, reach under the horizontal anchor, grasp the working end, and bring it inward.
STEP 2. Place the working end of the rope over the standing end (to form a loop). Hold the loop in the left hand. Place the working end over the anchor from 20 to 25 centimeters to the left of the loop.
STEP 3. With the right hand, reach down to the left hand side of the loop under the anchor. Grasp the working end of the rope. Bring the working end up and outward.
STEP 4. Dress down the knot.


Two-Loop Figure-Eight


The two-loop figure-eight is used to form two fixed loops in the middle of a rope. It is a middle rope knot.

a. Tying the Knot.

STEP 1. Using a doubled rope, form an 18-inch bight in the left hand with the running end facing to the left.
STEP 2. Grasp the bight with the right hand and make a 360-degree turn around the standing end in a counterclockwise direction.
STEP 3. With the working end, form another bight and place that bight through the loop just formed in the left hand.
STEP 4. Hold the bight with the left hand, and place the original bight (moving toward the left hand) over the knot.
STEP 5. Dress the knot down.

Bachman Knot


The Bachman knot provides a means of using a makeshift mechanized ascender. It is a specialty knot.

a. Tying the Knot.

STEP 1. Find the middle of a utility rope and insert it into a carabiner.
STEP 2. Place the carabiner and utility rope next to a long climbing rope.
STEP 3. With the two ropes parallel from the carabiner, make two or more wraps around the climbing rope and through the inside portion of the carabiner.

Note: The rope can be tied into an etrier (stirrup) and used as a Prusik-friction principle ascender.

b. Checkpoints.

(1) The bight of the climbing rope is at the top of the carabiner.
(2) The two ropes run parallel without twisting or crossing.
(3) Two or more wraps are made around the long climbing rope and through the inside portion of the carabiner.

Stay Prepared! Stay Alive!
