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Showing posts with label vegetation Bag still. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegetation Bag still. Show all posts

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Vegetation Bag Still

Vegetation Bag With Drinking Tube Added

Things to remember:

1. Do not use poisonous plants. When in doubt- do without.
2. Clean as much dirt and debris off the plant material as possible to prevent it from ending up in your water.
3. The water may taste like the plant smells.
4. It may take up to as long as 8 hours or more to obtain a little less than a quarter pint of water.
5. The plastic bag must be clear and air tight.

Note: The plant (Desert Marigold) used in the video demonstration is toxic to sheep and goats, but not to cattle or horses. I have not found any info stating that this plant is toxic to humans, although researchers are studying this plant in cancer research. So, when in doubt I would not use this plant until I knew for sure it was safe.

Stay Prepared! Stay Alive!
