The techniques shown on this website are meant solely for use in wilderness survival situations. Please note that in some places it is illegal to use these methods to capture animals or to harvest plants, unless you are actually in a survival situation.
All of the information on this website is offered with the belief that you and others will exercise proper caution and care in doing any of the things that are presented on this site. When going out alone, leave a travel plan with someone.
Some activities related to wilderness survival can be dangerous if done without proper care and training. Please be careful and attentive when engaging in any of these activities. Do your own research and consult your doctor prior to using or consuming any of the medicinal plant recipes mentioned on this website.
In other words be reasonable, responsible, take proper precautions, and exercise common sense.
You are responsible for the use to which you put this material. Take responsibility for your own actions. The author of this site is not a medically trained doctor. I have consumed and used the plant and animal food sources mentioned on this website with no ill effects. This may not be the same for others. What may not be allergic to me, may be for others.
What is most important is that the techniques and information contained on this website can and will save your life if used properly and practiced periodically. Information is constantly being added, so come back often.
Please watch the video for my introduction to Sword of Survival.
Stay Prepared! Stay Alive!