Friday, March 7, 2014

71 Uses For A Bandana

There are over a 100 uses for a bandana. It is about as handy as cordage and duct tape. They are light, compact, and are really inexpensive. A bandana is a must have in your Survival Kits, Bug Out Bag or Urban Survival Gear. Here is just a short list of possible uses for a bandana. There are many more uses, but I listed only a few to save room. Use your imagination for those ideas that are not listed here.

1. Signal
2. Neck Gaiter for cold weather
3. Tourniquet (But for Snake Bites use a Sawyer Extractor)
4. Pot Holder
5. Collecting Wild Edibles
6. Sun block for neck
7. Sling
8. Sling (as in David and Goliath)
9. Sling (for a staff )
10. Cordage  (strips or as is)
11. Washcloth/Towel (Bathe out of a Collapsible Bucket)
12. Sweatband
13. Waist pack/pouch
14. Hobo Pack
15. Padding a hotspot
16. Cleaning Patches for Firearm
17. Bullet Patches for Muzzleloader
18. Gun Wipe Cloth (with oil)
19. Toilet Paper
20. Mark a Trail
21. Dish Rag
22. Napkin
23. Eye patch
24. Pre-water Filter (like Coffee Filters)
25. Clean Glasses and other lens
26. Ear Muffs
27. Bind a stone and toss a line over a limb?
28. Dust Mask
29. Wet and wear for Hot Weather
30. Sneezing
31. Wash/dry feet after fording a creek
32. Clean muddy shoes
33. Wipe mud/rain off ground cloth
34. Wipe up spills of all kinds
35. Plug sink drain
36. Shade head/eyes/neck from burning sun
37. Muff ears from freezing sleet
38. Forehead sweatband hiking up a hill
39. Clean/dry eyeglasses
40. Wipe a tear
41. Blow a nose
42. Muffle a sneeze
43. Cover a cough
44. Cover face to take a forest nap after lunch
45. Neckerchief to dress up going to town
46. Washcloth
47. Towel
48. Pad shoulders carrying a load
49. Pad elbow resting on the ground while eating Roman style
50. All-terrain sitting cloth
51. Pillow stuffer
52. Filter dust/smoke/bright lights
53. Filter water coarsely
54. Apply hot/cold/medicinal compresses
55. Bandage/sling/tourniquet
56. Suppress rattling of jumbled items
57. Collect loose items
58. Forget-me-not reminder for clothes drying on a bush
59. Flag a passing motorist
60. Distract a charging wild animal
61. Whisk pestering insects
62. Coax a spider out of a corner
63. Capture a caterpillar or an assassin bug for non-violent removal elsewhere
64. Bind stone to toss a line over a tree limb
65. Thermal insulator for hot handles/bowls
66. Bib/lap napkin
67. Wash/dry inside of pot/bowl/spoon
68. Tablecloth
69. Cover exposed food
70. Carry out/store leftovers
71. Open a stuck jar

Stay Prepared! Stay Alive!


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